The Church of God International (CGI) traces its origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. Membership in the CGI consists of "called out ones" from around the world practicing Christianity as initiated by Jesus and furthered by the early apostles. The church begun by Jesus, the very one He promised would survive through the centuries, is alive and well. Today, disciples live the faith "once delivered to the saints" in this twenty-first century (Jude 3). They obey the same message taught by Jesus Christ, and they proclaim the same gospel taken to the world by the disciples. Members value the witness and teachings of Jesus Christ as the church's work.
The CGI home office is in Tyler, Texas. Incorporated in 1978, CGI has ministers and congregations scattered throughout the United States and Canada . We also have churches in Kenya, Jamaica, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom and a growing number of countries around the world.
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Information and opinions expressed in this blog do not necessarily reflect the collective beliefs and doctrines of the Church of God International, its members, ministry, or leadership.
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In the Gospel of Matthew 5:19 we read this interesting verse: Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. The question I’d like to answer here is what is meant by “these least commandments.”
By answering this question, I believe this will also be a further proof of the opinion of this church and many other Church of God groups that God’s law is still in force, and we should still be obeying it—of course, with the understanding the New Testament provides in how to keep that Old Testament law.