The Church of God International

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What is God's Plan? (Part 2)

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Some time ago, Wayne and Bill discussed some curious subjects related to the compelling question, Just what is God doing—what is His plan? So much of what we see around us appears to contradict a loving God, His mercy, care, and grace. The enormous amount of deception and evil in the world has led many to believe that if there were a God, surely He would not allow His creation to co-exist with such senseless violence, hate, and malice.

It was establish in the first session that it was fair to say much of this was due to not understanding God’s plan—not knowing what His objective is—and how it applies to the goal He has in mind for humanity. Not knowing this overriding purpose for mankind and how God is steering this agenda is a major contributing factor of so much misunderstanding about God.

In this second session concerning “What is God’s Plan?” Bill and Wayne address this plan in far more detail, specifically identifying the program right from the Bible as to what God is up to and why He has chosen to design it this way. It is an amazing and stunning project God has embarked on, but when understood in the details most of us miss, it becomes much more reasonable and provides the logic necessary to make it possible to embrace God as a loving Father.

Take a moment and listen to this “chat” regarding God’s Plan. We can assure you, it has the potential to help you make sense out of what appears to be a cruel riddle, or an enigma, for so many people today concerning God.

Watch Part 1