The Church of God International

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Special Report: Examining Transgenderism

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Unquestionably, there is a growing phenomenon among our children, young people, and, to a lesser degree, adults that is gaining attention and showing effects of disrupting society's status quo of certain social etiquettes. It is identified as "gender dysphoria." This is essentially a condition wherein an individual suffers psychological and spiritual conflict with his or her biological birth assignment.

This condition is a growing concern and confusing to many, as it is hard to imagine how we got to a place where the only way you can know if I'm a male or female is by me telling you what pronoun to call me. But one major fact shows this discomfort is real: In 2007, there was only one gender clinic in the USA; today, there are about 300 gender clinics around the country.

So there is no question about this phenomenon! It is happening, and we are seeing it play out in many areas of our social strata. Transgender men who identify as women are now free to enter women's bathrooms, spas, and locker rooms; and, yes, they're even allowed to compete in sports games against biological women. The disruption this has caused is profound in many areas and has resulted in protests, violence, and attempts to pass legislation to stop what some believe to be a breakdown in social structure and common sense.

There are many things that are enabling this growing trend and emboldening those that participate. But questions remain as to why and how this is happening and what can be done to address the concerns this phenomenon is causing.

In this most recent presentation, Bill attempts to begin "scratching the surface" about gender dysphoria, hoping to start a conversation about some of the details of what is fueling this condition and presents a challenge to solve some of the confusion for individuals who suffer in the grips of this psychological and spiritual conflict. Take a few moments to listen to this Special Report on "Examining Transgenderism." Perhaps you will find it helpful as you try to better understand this condition; and, more importantly, perhaps it will contribute to our ability to help prevent this conflict from happening in the lives of others, especially our children!