Infuse Retreat
Infuse Retreat - August 1-4 - “Putting on the Whole Armor of God” — Ephesians 6:10-18:
Thursday, August 1:
7:00PM Welcome Dinner
Friday, August 2:
9:00AM-10:30AM Breakfast
11:00AM-2PM Volunteer Project @ InfuseDetroit Garden (Lunch provided on-site)
7:00PM Dinner
8:00PM Seminar #1 by Shey Smith
Saturday, August 3:
9:00AM-10:30AM Breakfast
10:45AM-11:30AM Seminar #2 by TBA
11:45AM-12:30PM Lunch
1:00 Sabbath Services (Meal served afterwards)
4:00 Seminar #3 by Jeff Reed
After sunset - Game night (Pizza will be served)
Sunday, August 4:
9:00AM-10:30AM Breakfast
*All meals, except for Friday lunch will be served at the Detroit church.
Infuse will be covering the cost of a limited number of hotel rooms that weekend, so get your reservations early.
We must receive notification if you plan to attend so we can make your reservation in our free block of rooms. The hotel information is below:
Detroit Marriott Southfield
27033 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, Michigan 48033
Contacts for the Detroit Church: 313-638-6389---Herb Hanson / 248-943-1905---Steve Sandy
Location of the Church Building in Detroit:
16250 Northland Dr.
Suite LL6
Southfield, MI
If you require further information or need financial assistance to attend, please feel free to contact Mike James at