The Church of God International

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Open Communication Line

Have you ever left the house and noticed you forgot your cell phone? Anxiety hits and you think, “Oh no, people can’t get in touch with me.” So, you find a place to turn around to go back to your home to get your phone because the idea of not having your communication line open is not a desirable thing.

Well, how many times have you left the house without making sure your “spiritual communication line” was open? I am talking about the best and free way to communicate with the most important being ever. You never have to worry about a dropped call or poor connection. I am talking about prayer with God and getting into His word before you leave the house.

These two “devices” are vital to our everyday lives. I can’t count how many times when I have been in a hurry and leave for town, which is forty miles away, and realize, I didn’t pray that morning nor did I even read at least one verse. Yet, I found time to check my email and maybe even read some news headlines.

We are told to never cease in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16) and to be steadfastly devoted to prayer (Romans 12:12 & Colossians 4:12). Plus, one really great point Paul makes in both 1 Thessalonians 5 and Colossians 4, is that we are to pray with thankfulness. We should pray about everything with gratefulness because we have a Heavenly Father and Savior that want and are listening to us. They want us to communicate with them. Nothing is too small to pray about.

At the same time, we need to make sure we are listening to them, and the best place to do that is through the Word of God. We need our communication lines open in both ways—our side through prayer—their side through the Word. The truth is we are told by two important people, Moses and Jesus, that we are to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4). The Word of God is paramount for our lives. Seriously, I can’t number the times that I have been praying, and I randomly open the Bible to be directed to a verse that fills me with peace, courage, hope, and/or strength.

The truth is, I don’t enjoy the days that I don’t take time to open my communication line with God in the morning. Those days feel slightly off. I don’t mean that God punishes me because I forgot to talk to Him. No, it is just those days are hard because not opening the line keeps me from fully putting on God’s armor. Thus, it makes me exposed to the fiery darts of the devil (Ephesians 6:12-18). How are we to put on God’s armor if we aren’t communicating with Him?

Therefore, do not neglect to be in a constant state of prayer. I don’t mean on your knees all day long. What I mean is to talk to Him wherever you are. He is listening when we talk to him while driving, while working, while exercising, etc. He listens all the time. Plus, read His Word or listen to His Word. How are we to have a sharp “sword” if we neglect knowing His Word?

God is with us everywhere we go. He wants us to rely on Him all the time, for it is not by our might or power that helps us overcome our daily struggles. We overcome because of God. Remember, draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:18). He then can keep us in perfect peace that surpasses all human understanding. So, don’t forget to keep the most important communication line open.