On a Mission from God

by Jeremy Brown

What is a mission? A mission is a very important assigned task. We are surrounded by different entities with unique missions specific to their cause. Our government has a mission, our companies have a mission, our favorite teams also have a mission, our kids’ schools have a mission, etc. Does the Church have a mission assigned to it? Some of us may be shocked to find out the Church does have a mission assigned to it by God. We’re all aware that by the word “Church” we’re not speaking of a building, but those who follow and strive to keep the laws of Jesus Christ. “What is that mission?” you ask.

God’s mission is for each of His followers to bring the GREAT NEWS about Jesus Christ to everyone around the world who has yet to hear it. God gave each of us gifts/talents that we’re supposed to use in helping His mission become successful in spreading His Word around the world (Matthew 25:14-30). We all have some form of a gift/talent that we have to find through trial and error, which can help with God’s mission. God even says, in Romans 10:14-15, that it brings Him joy when men and women go about preaching the GREAT NEWS of His Word to the world. We have to remember God demands that we all minister one to another and not just make this a burden for the preacher (1 Peter 4:10). We all have a gift/talent that was given to us to help make this mission successful!

The mission can’t be accomplished without all of us searching deeply within to expose those gifts/talents God gave each of us for the spreading of His glorious Word (Matthew 28:19-20).




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