The Church of God International

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Have We Gone Astray?

by Jeremy A. Brown

What has today’s Christianity become? Many of today’s most popular ministers (pastors) are nothing more than motivational speakers.  They do not teach about the importance of keeping the Ten Commandments or any of God’s true Word. Many of these ministers even condone some of the sins God classifies as an abomination by saying that is the old Christianity, and we are a part of the “newly enlightened” Christianity, or of “woke” Christianity. They preach a health and welfare kind of Christianity; just believe in God is all you need to do…and fill our collection plate with money. Often, the churches led by such ministers are fat with money while the people are starving both physically and spiritually when it comes to the true Word of God (see “Are mega churches just businesses masquerading as worship” by Carmen MacBeth,

What does the Bible have to say about this “newly woke” Christianity?

The Bible states it plain and simple, when you see a man or woman that uses God’s Word for gain and/or riches you should steer clear of those kinds of people (1 Timothy 6:3-5, 7-11). We all see the pastors of the mega churches who claim to speak the true Word of God, but their only goal, while spreading deceit, is to gather more and more wealth from those seeking the knowledge of God’s Word. The Bible has become their source of snake oil. They claim to preach what the Bible says while only sharing the happy and feel-good stuff. This of course destroys the faith of most who are seeking the true Word of God when they realize that just believing in God is not changing anything (see “Church membership in the U.S. has fallen below the majority for the first time in nearly a century” by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Bible says to stay alert for the anti-Christ, which is anyone who denies the true Word of God and preaches things that are contrary to God’s commandments, holy days, clean and unclean foods and so on. The antichrist is not just someone who is outright satanic, but anyone who denies Jesus Christ, our true God, or any of His Word (truth) (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). 

We must remember that no man or woman should profit from the Word of God. The tithes and offerings we make are to aid in the spreading of God’s Word and help our brethren in need of assistance (Acts 17:25). Knowing this, let us make sure we keep our guard up for anyone who denies God or His true Word because this is the spirit of the anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17). We must make sure we are not led astray by all the happy feelings, especially in this age of being “woke,” where truth no longer matters (Ephesians 6:12-20).