The Church of God International

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Same Old Same Old!

by Jeremy A. Brown

There are two types of atheism, old atheism, and new atheism. Old atheism did not want a society with God in it. They viewed it as false, but they mourned what would be lost if God was taken completely out of western culture. They acknowledged that without a belief in God, what reason does society have for being good and having moral standards?! Old atheists were aware that our entire western culture, including our morals, was built on a belief in God. Today's new atheists are different; they hope that God is dead, call religion evil, and believe that good can somehow exist without a God. New atheists want all religions destroyed, according to Sam Harris, and they have a special hate for Christianity (Psalm 14:1).

According to the book More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell, new atheists claim that science proves there is no God. New atheists believe that this detailed world was built out of chaos. Despite seeing how quickly our world gets out of order when just a few things are out of place, new atheists believe all this chaos came together randomly to form this complex world we call life. Science has really done the opposite of showing there is no God; it has exposed to us just how complex this life is, and it has shown God's fingerprint in everything. We are still learning more about the universe and the human body every day, although mankind has been around for thousands of years. God says His creation confirms His existence (Psalm 19:1-2). Atheists say we can have good without God, but somehow, they cannot explain how we all innately know it is wrong to torture a baby (Romans 3:10-12). The atheists have no answer because, without a God, each man/woman can determine what is right in his/her eyes.

New atheists love to bash Christianity for the numerous atrocities committed by lunatics who say it is in the name of God. Still, they ignore the atrocities committed in the name of atheism. The atheistic governments of countries like communist China, communist Russia, and Nazi Germany have murdered more than one hundred million people (Psalm 14:3; How Many Did Communist Regimes Murder by R.J. Rummel). That alone in itself proves that atheism is not better than Christianity since more atrocities have been committed in the name of atheism. Christianity is by no means perfect, but a whole lot of good has been done around the world by Christianity, such as building the first hospitals, starting the Red Cross, leading the crusade against the evils of slavery, creating the first universities, and even pioneering the sciences (

Do not let this refurbished atheism trick you. It is the same as it was yesterday (Matthew 24:24). It is all built on emotion and pure hate for God. When people take the time to research what atheism says versus what historical and scientific evidence has proven about the Bible, you will see there is no real comparison. Why did even one of the biggest atheists of the past five decades, Antony Flew, change his mind about God after seeing all the mounting archaeological and scientific evidence supporting God (Romans 1:20; Job 12:7-10).