No “Gay Gene”
by Mike James
Evidence now suggests that the 1993 study by geneticist Dean Hamer on a possible “gay gene” is not valid. Hamer, formerly of the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and his colleagues published a paper that suggested the X chromosome called Xq28 might contain a “gay gene.” Other studies since 1993 have suggested similar ideas. But none of the previous studies were as massive as the study published last year in the journal Science.
“There is no ‘gay gene’ that determines whether someone has same-sex partners,” said Andrea Ganna, a biologist at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Finland who is also a geneticist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard as well as the University of Helsinki.
Genetic Research, scientist viewing DNA information on screens.
“Previous studies were small and underpowered,” Ganna said. “So we decided to form a large international consortium and collected data for (almost) 500,000 people, (which) is approximately 100 times bigger than previous studies on this topic.”
“We scanned the entire human genome and found a handful—five to be precise—of locations that are clearly associated with whether a person reports in engaging in same-sex sexual behavior,” said Ganna, who co-led the research.
He said these have “a very small effect” and, combined, explain “considerably less than 1% of the variance in the self-reported same-sex sexual behavior.”
This means that non-genetic factors—like environment, upbringing, personality, nurture—are far more significant in influencing a person’s choice of sexual partner, just as with most other personality, behavioral and physical human traits, the researchers said.
The study—the largest of its kind—analyzed survey responses and performed analyses known as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on data from more than 470,000 people who had given DNA samples and lifestyle information to the UK Biobank and to the U.S. genetics testing company 23andMeInc.
The largest study ever on this subject basically says there is no proof for the popular cultural statement, “born this way,” in regard to the reason for homosexual behavior. But that does not stop cultural icons and the media from continuing to promote the false narrative that homosexual behavior is a predetermined trait.
Just take a look at the titles of the first four articles I consulted to write this post in the sources section at the end of this blog. The first two sources are from a major media source (Reuters) and a popular scientific journal (Nature). The last two sources (Midnight Call and Beyond Today) are from conservative Christian magazines. The first two titles admit there is no “gay gene,” but they then hang on to the idea there is a genetic basis for sexual behavior. The religious magazine article titles say something very different.
I believe more people have read the first two articles as opposed to the last two. And that’s part of the problem. Our society and culture has moved too far down the road of embracing the homosexual lifestyle as normal. So much so that laws are now on the books in some states against “conversion therapy” (reparative therapy) which promotes the idea that homosexual tendencies can be overcome. The first state (California) to ban this did so in 2012. Since then 19 other states have followed their lead.
Conversion therapy is used on minors. Adults still have the freedom to choose this therapy if they wish. But what we are finding is as our culture has changed in the area of sexual orientation our young people are changing too. So much so that concepts like gender fluidity are now becoming mainstream.
Gender fluidity is the ability to freely and knowingly become one or many of a limitless number of genders, for any length of time, at any rate of change. Gender fluidity recognizes no borders or rules of gender. Among teens and young adults this concept is becoming more accepted.
A recent survey of 1,000 people between 18 and 34 years of age found that 50 percent of millennials felt that gender is actually a spectrum, and that “some people fall outside conventional categories.” Forty-six percent said they believed people can only identify as “two genders, male and female,” four percent said they didn’t know.
I’m not here to judge anyone, but the Bible is clear—God made us male and female (Mark 10:6). The Bible also tells us God gave man over to man’s own devices (like homosexuality) because we first let go of God (Romans 1:25-27). The reason people choose homosexuality or gender fluidity are varied and complex. But they are choices that can be overcome (Philippians 4:13). We welcome anyone wrestling with these issues at our churches. Because what you will find there are people wrestling with issues too (Romans 3:23). The very people Christ is seeking (Luke 19:10).
“No ‘gay gene,’ But Study Finds Genetic Links to Sexual Behavior,” by Kate Kelland, Reuters August 29, 2019.
“No ‘gay gene’: Massive Study Homes in on Genetic Basis of Human Sexuality,” by Jonathan Lambert, Nature, 29 August 2019.
“No ‘Gay Gene’ Found in International Study,” Midnight Call, May 2020, pp. 31-32.
“Study Changes Narrative on “Gay Gene,” Beyond Today, November-December 2019, p. 24.
“Poll Finds More Americans Accepting Gender Fluidity,” Between the Lines, June 2, 2016,